Title: Thankful For You [Flash Fiction]
Pairing: Onew / Key
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Disclaimer: Only the storyline belongs to me but seriously what is this nonsense, such an embarrassment (?) not one of my best works.
A/N: So this is for my dear dongsaengie, Bellie love. XD Happy belated birthday! I hope you like it?
I love you, Kibummie… forever more )
Comments 3
you just don't know how happy you've maid me unnie! ;A;
/brb off to read
this was beautiful! ;A;
it's been a lot since someone dedicated a fic for me, and now you are here with this awesome fic, and it's onlay for me and for no one else. And it was for my birthday. because you are an awesome unnie, and remembered it! ;A;
GAAAAAHH~ i just can't love you more than i already am. I'm really glad to have you as a friend and unnie i really love you Sabby unniee! /sobs and hugs
I love how you portray my onkey, and i know i still owe you some comments, but i'll get down on them, i promise
oh, and i'm sorry for making your comments part abit ugly....you know..my spazzy letters know no bondaries and they couldn't see the comment box border! ^^;
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