So, as I'd written a couple weeks ago, things with Kiera and the dog were not working out at all. We did some intensive training with the dog to the point where he left her alone 99% of the time, but sadly that was still not enough as that 1% would leave her miserable. she'd just stay in the cat tree all day looking and acting miserable and
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Comments 5
Kiera is SO HAPPY in her new home. I mean, it helps that she already knew the person who took her and already liked him quite a bit to start out with. it's still very sad to not have her here, but it is better that she be happy somewhere else vs only mildly miserable here.
My friend sent photos of her and she looks so relaxed and so happy, moreso than I can remember her being in quite a while. he already had 2 cats and she loves being around other cats, and she already loved him, so she just seems psyched. It's also good because this is one of my better friends so I'll always (or at least super frequently) know how she's doing.
it sucks that we weren't able to provide her the best home, but at least i know that we tried. it's so weird how bones showing up and luna dying sent her into some massive downward spiral, but going to a new house with new people and new cats just invigorated her.
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