
Apr 11, 2007 10:53

it might be a very long time before we can have a "normal" life, but you are worth it all ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

mizhellfire April 12 2007, 07:29:30 UTC
Oh, gads. Is someone being a hemorrhoid again? I've got your back, hon. Love you!!!!


brinaluvscolors April 12 2007, 13:23:32 UTC

well first they have been lurking by my work.
all of my co workers are witnesses & have even told me that they are there constantly!
then...they show up at the black market.
fucking whores.
so thennnnn..two different time this bitch has tried to IM me when im not here saying "we need to talk"
im like you DUMB bitch...i have NOTHING to say to you.

i really despise them.


mizhellfire April 12 2007, 20:21:05 UTC
That bitch is nuts. Just keep ignoring them. If they're really annoying you, call the cops and tell them you're being stalked. If you can, take pictures w/ your camera phone for evidence, and be sure to document the times and dates, then press charges. Maybe being sent to the pokey will teach them a lesson about messing w/ you.

Hang in there, darlin'. If you ever need to talk you know where to find me. *hugs*


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