quizzy-poo that you should DO!~ lol

Sep 07, 2005 23:27

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) If chadley05 was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? the joker
2) What languages does luckybuddha84 speak? english
3) Are eagle_d and nerdxriot going steady? hell NO! amanda I'd KiLL you if that was the case!
4) What do you disagree with _drea3205_ about? um, nothing
5) If kyleisdead had a superpower, what would it be? to see through things... like superman OR to be invisible.
6) Would you set up _lovingly_me_ and chadley05? no....lol.
7) Is kyleisdead your best friend? no, but he could be! if we talked more... u loserface!
8) Could you see alecia_anne and shaneathon together? um definitely NOT!
9) Is whurrrmypanties single? yuppers
10) What comic book character would twinklebabyb be? pshhh... i dunno
11) kevin_lewy's hair color? blondish-brown
12) Has girlsmind dyed their hair? yes
13) What is gatochick14's favorite game? twister
14) Does eulogyfromstars travel a lot? for softball... YES!
15) Thoughts on kay_sea? she's crazy, cool.
16) What is twinklebabyb's favorite movie? um....
17) Is cortney_ athletic? yes IF cheerleading counts!
18) Would girlsmind be a better ninja or pirate? pirate
19) If himynameisglow and bsmyway were spliced together, what would it be like? oh lord...
20) Is _kelseybaby_ in a relationship? not to my knowledge
21) Does thealabamakid have a big secret? i think so.
22) Does eagle_d go to your school? fuck no. thank gawd!
23) Where was the_lovely_lisa born? good ole' Bay City
24) When did you last call courtneychick44? um... last year
25) What is _lovingly_me_'s favorite color? pink & black
26) How many monkeys could _frozen_heart_ fight at once and win against? 14
27) Does chadley05 do drugs? yes
28) Is bsmyway an emo? no
29) What animal does himynameisglow remind you of? monkey
30) If pharoah_fox and chadley05 were siamese twins, where would they be joined? on the abdomen
31) What is luckylilbitc's biggest flaw? i have no idea
32) Is courtneychick44 1337? huh?
33) Do you have konfusionstar's screenname? yes... it's the same as her LJ
34) Do _kelseybaby_ and kyleisdead go to the same school? no, unfortunately
35) Are tabzhotflamingo and whurrrmypanties going out? no
36) What planet should blackish_blood be from? mars
37) Would nerdxriot and konfusionstar make a good couple? no.... but they'd be best friends fo sho!
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