Mar 05, 2012 20:42
Memory can only hold so much in a single moment. Words can spread further through time. An image that encapsulates a lifetime, an experience, rather than a brief moment, can teach. See yourself evolve. Learn your essence. Learn to love and be inspirational.
Dec 14, 2007 01:31
What beauty lives here.
You visit.
You're lost.
You never return,
but you never left.
You go everywhere,
yet you've gone nowhere.
"I worked on a method to no avail.. with minor madness, it overtook me."
Dec 14, 2007 01:24
After you focus all your energy onto one person, can you ever gather it all up again? You build and build and build. Everything you built is spontaneously scattered across the universe. Suddenly, you find yourself in a love affair with mama Earth. Is love real? Can it become a memory?
Oct 07, 2007 21:41
I know what's up.
I know you're down.
I want to yell and scream
I want to carry on
I want to climb into the sky
I want to finsih studying
I want to know things beyond these dimensions
Aug 19, 2007 20:07
i'm breaking in my hiking boots>guy and i leave in exactly a week>we're hiking the white mountains>i go to college from there>after the semester is over both my parents will have moved very far so i'm on my own>i'll rent in philly>>this is my last week in south jersey... forever!
Aug 11, 2007 12:41
I want to lose rationallity
I want to write my heart&soul out
I want more time
I want to see you again
I want things figured out
I want a heart to guide me
I want a mocha green bubble tea latte
I want to go where black holes go
I want a time out
I dont want to go to college
..Protect me from what I want
Apr 29, 2007 20:41
I found you in front of my car. We sat in an old barn and watched the snow fall. So I thought I'd let you know, I cant imagine seeing the snow again without you.
Mar 27, 2006 20:31
So today..
I went to work
Nikki pierced my septum
went to Alex's
went to Laur's
and now I'm home.
It might just be me, but my setum retainer looks crooked,
...doesn't really bother me
Jan 28, 2006 23:18
I'm craving something new. I miss a lot of people.
Dec 18, 2005 02:05
I have been getting out more than ever, but I'm still feelin lonely.
I'm feelin hopeless.
Tell the future to come in the back door,
tell all the stars that there are stars no more.