I've been feeling really crappy lately and i don't know why. everything seems to make me mad or sad or just plain feel bad. i don't know why. i feel crappy.
School is starting soon. Volleyball already started. I'm not so sure if i want to go back or not. I do to see my friends but i really don't want all the work, although it would give me something to do. I'm ready for volleyball practice to be over though, most definitly ready for that.
I'm happy oh so happy, and this doesn't happen very often. My boy friend called and appologized and i got 3 letters in the mail today from him. My roses are dead now they didn't last that long but it's the thought. and i get to see him on my birthday(in two days) and i haven't been able to see him cause he's been away. I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!
I''m totally exhausted. I'm mentally and physically tired. i need sleep. I have to get up bright and early tomorrow and go to boot camp for the next three days. I'm going to be sore oh so sore and totally wiped out. Almost dead... if only i was.