*snorts* Its been months since I last updated on here... does anyone even come on this site anymore? Right, well if anyone still cares you can always check my journal on deviantArt www.fallingtopieces.deviantart.com
I might be deleting this account since I never use it. *shrug* w/e later folks.
Sooooo..... I got a part!!! I got Aunt Ev. Its a minor but thats ok. I can deal with that. Hell, its better then nothing. But yeah, just thought I would let ya'll know.
We went ghost hunting tonight. That was fun. We didnt really get much but we did get a pretty wierd pic and we heard alot of stuff. We went into these woods somewhere by 7 mile and we got lost and everything. It was pretty crazy... Ne who I have a head ache and I am tired so I am going to bed. Night!