Yeah, so what if thats emo. No Im not suicidal. I hate boys. I hate my relationship. I hate relationships in general. I hate getting hurt. I hate the way he looks at me. I hate the way he looks at other girls. I hate the way he thinks saying "I love you" will make everything all better. I hate how he pouts his lips when he wants a kiss. I hate the
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Today is the last day of my junior year here at shen. I am having mixed feelings about how everything is going. I will miss everyone that is graduating that I like. Ha, everyone else can go die. Mmmhmmmmmmhmhmhmhmmhmmmhmhmhmhmhm. uh huh.
Justin Taylor is sitting next to me and he smells like fish
Created by naw5689 and taken 25907 times on bzoink! Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:iron maidenAre you male or female:women in uniformDescribe yourself:fear of the darkHow do some people feel about you:dont look into the eyes of a strangerHow do you feel
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