Oct 29, 2020 11:03
oh wow
this weekend
was the weirdest most confusing weekend ive that has ever exsisted
it makes me brain hurt thinking about it
im not sure if it was what was going on, the people, the place, the activities, orrr the party favors (or all of the above)
fuck ittttt
Oct 26, 2020 17:52
theory of my day
put together by random thoughts:
the reasoning behind everyones actions, are for the sole purpose of their own benefit
is there anyone who understands or agrees
Oct 25, 2020 14:29
I'm moving again.
Im tired
I want to take a bath
I wish it would be 30 minutes ago that i put these whitestrips in, because they are annoying me
im tired of packing my shit
and i need to download itunes to my phone so i can put it to use
so much stuff to do
last night in heaven with jess and hunner was fun
Oct 17, 2020 08:50
Wait..What friends?