This one I can't blame on cheap-o enchiladas and canned chili. This one I blame on Bethesda Softworks, for making Fallout: new Vegas so damn fun.
So, I was one of a group of survivors in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. What kind of apocalypse? No clue- my subconscious didn't seem to feel that detail was important. All I know is there were two couples
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Had an odd but interesting dream last night. No clue why- nothing I can think of in my waking life has any remotely similar themes that I can recall. What the Hell they putting in bananas these days (and if you can identify the source of that quote, I love you forever)?
Anyway, to the best of my recollection it went something like this:
So, now I am moved to Houston and settled in (that is, 95% of everything unpacked or in storage). I still have a few boxes that I need to take back to Victoria and put in storage at my mom's- mostly extra kitchen stuff that my new-old roommate doesn't need. My condo is just two blocks from Reliant Stadium
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So I got this meme from karcy, who got it from underlankers. Here's how it works:
Karcy gave me seven questions, below, to answer (just as underlankers gave her seven questions). If you post a response, I will give you seven questions to answer. The object of this game? Get to know each other better. And Karcy gave me some gooood questions!
Even if you're skeptical about climate change, the explanations given in this video about how North America became such a mess of highways and cookie-cutter subdivisions and strip malls is very solid- as are the explanations of how this negatively affects quality of life.