Mar 18, 2005 11:38
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would
not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything
you gave me." (Erma Bombeck)
To be Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven
the inexcusable in you. (C.S. Lewis)
Mar 14, 2005 18:55
Aldous Huxley stated “That which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.”
Oct 19, 2004 00:29
mid-october and they mowed
the lawn but mostly the leaves.
the golden waves on the sidewalk
reduced to unappetizing crumbs.
Oct 13, 2004 11:39
What if I devoted this journal to writing bad poetry that makes no sense?
bent spoon
stirring my coffee.
chocolate muffin
makes it better.
Oct 13, 2004 11:38
from monkeyface to suitcase boy.
i think about why the cafeteria
always has gross fruit.
Maybe you smell like blueberries
Just addd strawberries and you could be
a "very berry" smoothie.
and then everyone would drink you.
which may even be better than
you drinking them.
May 16, 2004 13:36
from bridget's buddy profile
I love Sarah Miller - "Bridget, I think you're more like a medium-large fish in a medium-small pond."
dont ask.
Mar 16, 2004 00:26
"i mean, i think i'm a sensative person. i feel things."--alissa
Mar 14, 2004 13:17
today at spo the guy talked about leading a christian like the world at hand, or something like that. he also talked about being a light in the secular world. good stuff, good stuff.
Feb 24, 2004 15:40
(a movie for spanish class)
"The struggle of what you are is what makes you do art."
"Politics can be a noble calling. It's an ability to impliment a vision for the future by making conrete changes in the present."
"In america, we look at the poor as faulures, which is such a fallacy."