Awesome spring break, but the ride's nearly over. Befriended some new people, refriended some old ones, and put a chair on top of a tire park. Who cares about that, though, when I got MC HAMMER IN THE HIZZOUSE.
So i have just encountered one of, if not the, funniest stories i've read this year. It's short and hysterical. Read on if you wish. (Credits goes to SomethingAwful forums account name 'theswami
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This weekend was good. I bought 3 movies (casablanca, T2, donny darko Director's Cut), had an awesome time at the hockey game swearing at the other side and giving them the finger, and lanned last night. I was forced to update by some jerk who spammed comments in my last post (you know who you are), and there's not much else to say.
So it's been a while since i've posted something besides movies I've bought or humorous quotes complements of . I was strongly considering telling all the people who've commented in their livejournals about whatever the fuck is happening to sufu to quit whining because nothing you do in high school now will dramatically affect your life in 10 years
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