bold = my guess Picture - Drama Babel Produced by Steve Golin, Alejandro González Iñárritu, Jon Kilik Bobby Produced by Edward Bass, Michel Litvak, Holly Wiersma The Departed Produced by Brad Grey, Graham King, Brad PittLittle Children
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Last night i went and seen metric. they were very good and put on an energy filled show. really enjoyed it. The first opening band sucked ass, and then the elected (second openers) came on and they were better but nothing great... other than a guy with a big orange afro playing the trumpet.
My buddy's car also broke down once he got into winnipeg
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Well tmr will be our second round at shooting our movie project for video production class. Pretty much we went out on wednesday in minus 39 degree windchill weather and tried to shoot it. Gave up after 3 hours. Now tmr its supposed to be pretty much the same temperature. Hopefully it will get warm again
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