so i was taking my after school siesta..and my dreams focused on working with my grand challenge or whatever, in trying to design and fit a hitch for this trailer we had yeah. exciting i know.
2.I'm no longer goign to russia this summer. the summer program i was going to do didn't happen....the professor was having too much trouble making it work, and the group just wasn't big enough for it to work out. i get the news the day my passport arrives. double boo. now, i gotta figure out what to do this summer.
for those who don't know, Pan's Labyrinth is awesome. thoroughly enjoyable.(thought a tab gruesome at bits) but sooo sooo good :) good tiems with good freinds
its always aweosme..when you;re hanging out wtih a few people..and the focus of the converstion just goes from one totally intellectually cool topic to another. that happened tonight..and that two hour period just flew right by we covered everythign from house of leaves to string theory to evolutionary biology to herfstadter and more! haha