been searching for evening classes i can take in vancouver for 2 bloody hours. and u kno the closest i got? 'vancouver escorts' 'xxx teen-sluts' 'sensuous massage parlours' aaaaarrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggg. no, really, thank you - im not planning on becoming a whore just yet.
last day at work yesterday. dear god i was heartbroken. was the busiest day ever and i swear to god all the annoying, indecisive, bad-tempered, with moaning kids people came to me. dammit
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i have just discovered the most brilliant song. in my mums cd collection of all places. its called insecurity by arkarna??? but i cant find the lyrics anywhere. dammit
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my legs are aching. my muscles are all pulled. my back hurts. i am tired. i am sweaty. i have just sold over 900 raffle tickets, written 800 of them and folded the whole bloody lot, before moving tonnes and tonnes of furniture
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once again, despite my lack of news or interesting events to comment on, i am sitting here, writing what is expected to be a very long and tedious entry
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