Well, I'm at home now. It's been a long few days. Packing, saying fairwell, the actual trip, losing my carry on bag, getting it back, jet lag. Well, that about sums it up
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List three random facts about yourself that your friends might not know. Then tag 5 people:
1. I don't really like reading Milton, I just do it so people will think I'm smart. 2. I would dress sluttier if I had a better body. 3. I like wearing glitter. Lots and lots of glitter.
I just received some very beautiful orchids. (David and I have our 1 year tomorrow!) However, I have no idea what to do with them and since I know you two love orchids, maybe you could tell me what to do with them. They are about 2 foot tall at the moment with only one open bud. I have given them a wee drink, but not soaked them. they are in a pot
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