I find it interesting that information posted in a public domain which can be read by any backward-assed fuck on the planet can still be considered "private." Personal writings, maybe, but then you post them for the world to see, and yet it surprises you when someone other than those you "intend" it to be for sees it? You haven't been on the internet long, have you?...
What are you, twelve? Just because it's put out in public domain doesn't mean everyone who reads it has to go shouting it to the world. That's like saying "O, well you said it out loud, so now everyone has the right to know"
Shut up and get off your high internet horse. Go read your friend's journals, or maybe you don't have any. Boy THAT would be a suprise!
In response to your idiotic response, don't make up excuses for being a dick. You did something wrong, deal with it and the complications that arise because of it. Stop being a coward and a jerk. If she had posted something like this on myspace, that would have been a different story, however, livejournal is supposed to be a private place where you can vent frustrations in a therapeutic setting. You shouldn't have to worry about people spreading shit around, whether it's on the internet or not, people have some common courtesy!
You are an ass or a backward-assed fuck for that matter. Just because you were snooping around and getting into other people buisness doesn't mean you have the right to.
What she wrote wasnt posted for the world to see. It was posted so that her FRIENDS could read it.
You have created all kinds of drama and you dont even have the balls to identify yourself.
Anonymous Readers?ryandajediJanuary 29 2006, 22:52:24 UTC
Hey Jenna, this is Ryan Ward, sometimes I read your journal. But that's just because I'm wondering how things are going. PS: I have no idea who Dan is... so it's not me haha. Also, to the first responder, please meddle somewhere where it's warranted!
Re: Anonymous Readers?buffysangelJanuary 30 2006, 00:46:56 UTC
Awww, Ryan we need to hang out STAT!! And I don't care if you read my journal, I only care when stupid ass people who spread shit around read my journal! Really though, call me to hang out
Comments 6
Shut up and get off your high internet horse. Go read your friend's journals, or maybe you don't have any. Boy THAT would be a suprise!
What she wrote wasnt posted for the world to see. It was posted so that her FRIENDS could read it.
You have created all kinds of drama and you dont even have the balls to identify yourself.
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