I've changed most of my entries to "friends only" because I want my shows to be all together so random people won't have to search for them. so if you want to read any of them (a.k.a. you're bored out of your mind that even staring at a blank wall won't suffice) then add me I guess.
I'm determined to finish all of my recordings and have them up before next week. because I'm pretty positive that I won't get them done when school starts back up.
just for the hell of it, here's the Brand New DVD if anyone wants to download it. I had uploaded it and put it onto the street team forum back in April-ish. it's DVD quality since I ripped it straight onto my computer.
I updated some of the links that were expired. they expire after 7 days of being inactive, so if you notice that one is no longer up, please let me know.