Title: In the End Author:bunni102 Genre: Angst Pairing: OnKey (broken), Onhyun Rating: PG Summary: In the end it's all the same A/N: I've been so sad from writting angsty drabbles. I need FLUFF! this drabble i from key's P.O.V. ( What now? )
Yes I do feel sorry for Key. Hmm, u made a really interesting observation here. Cause its actually Onew that is clinging to Jonghyunnie not key. But now that I think about it, that does make quite some sense. ^^
oh well...onew basically tries to get the attention of his members always lol esp in yunhanam i feel sorry for him there he's always being ignored ;___; XD it's always JongKey ;_; but yeah KiKi FTW XD
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Thanks for reading and commenting. OnKey FTW~
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