Hey ppl...I am not in a very good mood right now. I am not gonna name any names or the situation, but I wanna touch on a few things this entry
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Whats happenin biatches? A lot has happen to me since my last entry. It includes a lot of good stuff(for once) and I am actually really happy about it
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Hello ladies and gentlemen...."This beat is automatic, supersonic, hypnotic, funky fresh, so mylotic....."lol...That song is stuck in my head. Well, today was an ok day. I mean, nothin great but nothin too horrible
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Whats happening every1....I've got some good news for this entry today. It feels a lot better to have good news than bad. I'm tellin ya, since I have started this journal, it has caused more drama than I have but I think its all worth it in the end. Alrighty then.....this is what happened today
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Whats happenin my peeps??? Isnt it weird how a person can go from like furious with the world to completely happy in a couple hours? LOL Cause I am actually in a good mood now
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Sup every1? How yall been doin? I have been really bad actually. No matter what i do or say something always seems to go wrong. Here is how it all is
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What up peeps? Anything new and exciting happening in anyones lives? I have a lot of new stuff here but it is almost all bad. Life has thrown me a few curveballs in the past few days and I am striking out so far. Lets just see what there is to talk good about first
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