Title: Mimosa (1/1)
burntcircles Movie-verse: Slumdog Millionaire
Spoilers: YES.
Characters: Jamal, Salim, Latika
Rating/Genre: PG / Het
Length: ~1,500 words
Summary: She came with the rain, and yet she shone brighter than anything he’s ever known. She was his sun.
Disclaimer: I haven’t read Q&A, the novel on which Slumdog Millionaire is based. I own nothing
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Comments 19
You wrote this beautifully and it makes me want to watch the movie again. Thanks for sharing!! :)
This is so beautiful, I cannot even begin to describe my feelings, besides the fact that I'm trying to squelch them so I'm not crying at work.
I knew I loved the movie, but this fic is just so encaspulating that I feel like I got to re-watch it for free just now.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
P.S. You included my favorite scene, which is when Jamal tells Latika that they can live on love. Because when he said it, I honestly believed him, though it's such a foolish notion. *watery sigh*
(sorry for all the edits, it's hard to proofread with tears in your eyes!)
It's the same with me--I thought it was such a brave but also naive notion, too, and wondered whether you liked that scene at all. I even deleted it at one point. I'm so relieved that I put it back in.
So thrilled that you liked this one, Candy. And I did send you a PM, remember? To check if you in fact did like the movie. I thought I'd revealed my plans by then. :D Glad to know it still turned out to be a surprise!
This is a lovely companion to the movie, Nona. I'm curious about the book. Let me know what you think if you read it.
And thanks for the words. *hugs*
Thanks for reading, and for the kind words!
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