ITA. I've been really, really surprised how engrossing this show is, especially compared to the other fairy tale shows of the new season (might as well lump Terra Nova in there as well as Grimm.)
Heh. I watched Grimm, and I didn't hate it, but I can't say it was engrossing, no. I can't really warm up to the lead yet, and since hte show is on at the same time as SPN and I'm addicted to the silliness... I'll only be watching it on Hulu, if then.
Welll, I loathe her, but we're kind of supposed to... on the other hand, I think I get what you mean. Last week's ep, all my sympathy was largely theoretical for the Evil Queen. Parts if it were really scenery-chewing. IT's a fine line.
I want to loathe her in the way I'm supposed to, the "oooh she's so evil and look at her she's so GOOD at being evil and I HATE HER." Kind of like Nigel.
Instead, I'm like "Man, I wish they'd gotten someone better to play this part, because that would be way more fun. Hell, she's outclassed by the extras occasionally." And that's not really how I should be thinking about one of the leads...
HEE. Okay, I get that. The way I hate/like Mr. Gold.
I'm never a good enough analyzer of acting chops to pick up on stuff until we're far down the road, unfortunately. I can pick out what annoys me, but I can't pick out what's just *bad.*
I know! HEE. It could so easily go off the rails or get repetitive, but... My theory is this season we get all the backstory stuff as Emma tries to deal in our world; but at some point we'll end up back in Fairy-tale Land, with the real-world back stories coming up. Also, there's the dangling thread of who Henry's dad is. He's only been mentioned in passing, but he could be either a huge ally or huge enemy to Regina, so....
>"Still not sure why some of the time Snow was called "Sister" Mary Margaret Blanchard, but whatever, moving on. "
Please, who called her "sister" and when?! I did not register that, but I taped it, so I can look it up if you'll point me there. She's a hospital volunteer, and British and some other Commonwealth people call female nurses "sister," but she specifically said to Emma that she's "not a nun," and only two of the characters have non-North American accents...
>"Sheriff = Kind Huntsman, Y?"
Yep. That has been my theory since the premiere, when he was the one to settle Henry in.
>"Well, we knew the happy ending couldn't be that simple."
The Real World is hard. :-) Good for storytelling.
>"I love this show with an unholy love. Yup."
Best thing on US television in approximately six years. IMO. :-) If it holds up through next week's detour away from the White-Charming extended family, we will be well set...
I saw it on some of the announcements and websites, but I wonder if they dropped it before it aired? I'm glad it was clarified this week, though.
Cinderella! With Rumplestiltskin! That's one way to keep making it fresh, combining the stories there. I'm having so much fun, and the FX aren't being given *too* much attention, to the point where the story gets ignored. YAYS.
Speculation: As time has not been moving, then Cinderella has been pregnant all this time, and is able to give birth now only because time has begun moving again.
Further Speculation: Henry, growing up in this town, has been surrounded by people for whom time doesn't pass, but he himself has grown year by year, because he is a Real Boy. Kids wouldn't notice that adults weren't aging, but when Henry began school, he inevitably noticed that he himself moved forward a grade every year, while all the other kids stayed in the same grades year after year... no wonder he is lonely and has no friends!
Duh, I even thought of the aging thing as a way for Henry to notice stuff too. The first year or two he was in school, Kindergarten and first grade, it may not have clicked, but by the time he was seven or so, he had to know something weird was up. And Regina consistently lying about it, or telling him he's wrong, would only strengthen that, the way she does things. Not to mention any time he tried to ask a question of someone about where they're from and gotten no good answers.
I really do wonder if Cinderella's been pregnant forever. Because OH my god. *laughing*
Comments 14
Instead, I'm like "Man, I wish they'd gotten someone better to play this part, because that would be way more fun. Hell, she's outclassed by the extras occasionally." And that's not really how I should be thinking about one of the leads...
I'm never a good enough analyzer of acting chops to pick up on stuff until we're far down the road, unfortunately. I can pick out what annoys me, but I can't pick out what's just *bad.*
Please, who called her "sister" and when?! I did not register that, but I taped it, so I can look it up if you'll point me there. She's a hospital volunteer, and British and some other Commonwealth people call female nurses "sister," but she specifically said to Emma that she's "not a nun," and only two of the characters have non-North American accents...
>"Sheriff = Kind Huntsman, Y?"
Yep. That has been my theory since the premiere, when he was the one to settle Henry in.
>"Well, we knew the happy ending couldn't be that simple."
The Real World is hard. :-) Good for storytelling.
>"I love this show with an unholy love. Yup."
Best thing on US television in approximately six years. IMO. :-) If it holds up through next week's detour away from the White-Charming extended family, we will be well set...
Cinderella! With Rumplestiltskin! That's one way to keep making it fresh, combining the stories there. I'm having so much fun, and the FX aren't being given *too* much attention, to the point where the story gets ignored. YAYS.
Further Speculation: Henry, growing up in this town, has been surrounded by people for whom time doesn't pass, but he himself has grown year by year, because he is a Real Boy. Kids wouldn't notice that adults weren't aging, but when Henry began school, he inevitably noticed that he himself moved forward a grade every year, while all the other kids stayed in the same grades year after year... no wonder he is lonely and has no friends!
I really do wonder if Cinderella's been pregnant forever. Because OH my god. *laughing*
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