Subway news: the indo dude who works at the same place as I, has an older sister that works at the same company (same building) as my hubby. Small world huh? ;P
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Thanks ^^... Harganya: In Bloom $22, Icicles $12, Double hoops $12. Terus ada option, kalo mau pake sterling silver ear hooks tambahin $3. Ini semua in Australian dollars :). Postage and handlingnya belon included in the price. I can send anywhere.. loe di indo kan, di jkt bukan? Postage and handlingnya gua harus check dulu di post office.. soalnya gua belon pasti berapa harganya.
Loe pernah sekolah di sydney ya?? tau ttg wooloomooloo segala hehehee...
Thanks Ti :) yg hearts and feathers harganya $16.00... kalo mau pake sterling silver ear hooks tambahin $3 lagi. All prices in Australian dollars. Postage and handling belon included, besok gue check di post office deh :)
LOVELY!!! Alll of them are so brilliant!! How much are you selling them for? you know, just the price I can sort of budget them in.....I want them, but no money at the moment :(
LOVELY!!! Alll of them are so brilliant!! How much are you selling them for? you know, just the price I can sort of budget them in.....I want them, but no money at the moment :(
Thanksss ^^.. they range from $12 to $33, if you want sterling silver ear hooks add $3 more :) Postage and handlingnya belon gua check sih... besok mau ke postie gue check deh. o ya, itu harganya in Australian dollars.
Ini site untuk convert money fel: A$1.00 = US$0.757032.... jadi price range gua sekitar 9.08407 USD to 24.9812 USD hehehehe... Postage and handlingnya udah gua check, kalo ke US harganya A$2.50 (1.89253 USD) heiehiheihai
Liaaa.... gue naksir midnite bracelet... berapa duit tuh, kalo kirim kesini mahal gak ato kirim ke adik gue aja biar dia yg kirim ke gue AUSD juga gpp.
hihihhi... asik ada yg minat xD.. itu midnite bracelet harganya AUD$14.00... kalo kirim ke Amrik gua nggak yakin berapa, I can check it out for you. Gua tau kalo postage and handling di Australia $4.00. I'll get back to you once I found out the amrik cost okkk :))
eh sharon... tadi gua check di post office lagi, ternyata harga postage and handlingnya lebih murah dari pada yg gua sangka.. kalo kirim di Australia harga $1.80, kalo kirim ke US harganya $2.50.. Btw shar, itu ukuran braceletnya 18 cm - 20 cm (pake adjustable chain), muat nggak shar?, bisa gua kecilin atau gedein lagi kalo perlu :)
Comments 40
gue suka chandelier nya yg in bloom sama yg drop earrings yg icicles, emang bisa shipping ke mana aja nih??
oh iya pie yg di wooloomooloo kan UENAKKK BUANGETTT :D gue dulu makan 2 masih pengen lagi :D
Harganya: In Bloom $22, Icicles $12, Double hoops $12.
Terus ada option, kalo mau pake sterling silver ear hooks tambahin $3. Ini semua in Australian dollars :). Postage and handlingnya belon included in the price. I can send anywhere.. loe di indo kan, di jkt bukan? Postage and handlingnya gua harus check dulu di post office.. soalnya gua belon pasti berapa harganya.
Loe pernah sekolah di sydney ya?? tau ttg wooloomooloo segala hehehee...
Kalo beli tiga2nya gua kasih discount loh.. hehehhe
yg hearts and feathers harganya $16.00... kalo mau pake sterling silver ear hooks tambahin $3 lagi. All prices in Australian dollars. Postage and handling belon included, besok gue check di post office deh :)
Alll of them are so brilliant!! How much are you selling them for? you know, just the price I can sort of budget them in.....I want them, but no money at the moment :(
Alll of them are so brilliant!! How much are you selling them for? you know, just the price I can sort of budget them in.....I want them, but no money at the moment :(
A$1.00 = US$0.757032.... jadi price range gua sekitar 9.08407 USD to
24.9812 USD hehehehe... Postage and handlingnya udah gua check, kalo ke US harganya A$2.50 (1.89253 USD) heiehiheihai
Btw shar, itu ukuran braceletnya 18 cm - 20 cm (pake adjustable chain), muat nggak shar?, bisa gua kecilin atau gedein lagi kalo perlu :)
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