Soooooooooo. Does anyone read this barren journal? Comment. Don't be like that other... person... thing... Write, uh, something. XD Comment, I mean. Ahahaha.
Email: (i dont give a fk if a stalker emails me, whatever)
AIM CChanInTehoven (i dont give a fk if a stalker ims me, whatever)
If anyone can still read this tell everyone my MOM FOUND TRILLIAN AND ISH BEING BISHY ABOUT IT AND IT'S RLY HARD TO GET ON O___________O In other news I was away for the weekend lolol Just got home monday, going camping on the 23rd or 24th so yeah that'll be about 5 days ANYWAYZ BAI4NAO
Mebbe i come bax to PT ? ? Dunnooooooo. Not that many pplz i kno play that much anymore. AURIN ISH SU GUT AT MAKING PPLZ FEEL BETTER TOO O_O tak note pls. Well anywayz I bord~