Chad Chad Chad i miss you. It is a fucking good thing that i will be home tomorrow. I will be home tomorrow. We must do something good soon. I met a girl tonight who you would love (i know that sounds silly, but truthfully, you would wish you were straight just for this girl) who has triplet siblings. Their names? Well, i forgot one of them. But the other two are Spencer and Paige. I don't know why that reminded me of you but it did. I was also talking about you last night. I'm convinced, as is brett (even though he's never met you) that you really, really, really, should apply here. Go to UPS, yes, but apply. Did you get your application in? Perhaps i should have saved this for a proper email. When i'm home, we're throwing me and desirae a combined birthday party, and i request your help/attendance. love, lucy
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When i'm home, we're throwing me and desirae a combined birthday party, and i request your help/attendance.
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