The Proposal.

Oct 06, 2010 08:20

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The Proposal is one entertaining movie. It featured love, career and family issues. Andrew is a career person who's willing to do anything for the craft he loves--editing. His boss has a problem with immigration and her only way to stay in the country is to be married to a citizen in New York, which turns out to be Andrew.

I won't make any summary for the movie, I just want to flesh out my insights from the movie. First is how love grows from any relationship. Unlike with other romantic flicks where couples are meant for each other no matter what, this movie featured a love tat grew from a platonic relationship. They had a three year relationship as an assistant and editor, and just after a three-day getting-to-know each other, they found out that a next level relationship is also plausible. Love really comes unexpectedly. You shouldn't find it, it would come eventually to you. Most of the relationships today are just grown out of simple reasons: such as love that is based from the getting-to-know or courtship stage, love as a rebound from a failed relationship, eagerness to find someone whom you can call your own, and not the "love" that our grandfathers usually tell us. Love is really different today but the feeling of excitement is the same. The difference may manifest in the quality of relationship that you share. Indeed that the intimacy is present because a lot today just find relationships for physical intimacy and not for the feeling that comes along with it. In the long-run, you just used each other for your temporary reasons and leave each other hurt.

My idea of a good relationship is a yin-yang relationship. A balanced relationship where they help each other in their own individual success and career. They should live their lives separately. I think that it is best if the two could be good friends in college, and eventually maintain a relationship at different fields of work. The differences between you helps you to grow without even experiencing the other world that your partner has. You teach each other and support each other. It's not about competition or having one dominating decision for the both of you. Because of the balance, it transcends time. I believe that continuous conflicts are really vital parts in any relationship. In the first two years of a relationship, endless fights could be normal for me. From the conflicts, you show who you really are. And the challenge there is not letting go. No matter how deep or shallow your fights are, you should not let go. I will always believe that time will always be a good measurement of how strong your love is to each other.

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