Title: Tie My Hands (11/?)
Pair: MP/RL
Rating: pg15 (for mature language)
Summary: Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte? They were the best worst-kept secret of the swimming world. And Michael didn't like it.
A/N: Starting next week I'll be posting in my new fic-only journal,
damningevidence. Please make a note!!
Tie My Hands
Part 1 //
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Comments 49
Ryan looks at Aaron for a couple of long minutes before shaking his head. “I guess that’s like, the million-dollar question.”
And the crux of the story, I'm thinking. Here you have these beautiful people to play with as characters, these funny moments as they go about their young lives, and you instead of just giving us PWP you have this emotional underpinning. Is it love, or lust? Should it matter, and from whose perspective? Can MP be a whole person - does he even want to be? - or is it too late? Is what he's done truly unforgivable? (Certainly could be, were this real life...) Thanks for not taking the easy way out (though the hot scenes are also deeply appreciated ;) ) but instead building on that real foundation and touching on these things.
You are seriously going to give me a heart attack.
The one thing that has struck me over and over again about this fic is how well you've fleshed out all of the secondary characters. I feel like most Phelps/Lochte I've read concentrates solely on the boys, or throws a couple other of the Olympic team in but doesn't really give them a personality. In this, however, I feel absolutely connected to every character. Every single one of them is so well-defined and has such a definite personality, and I love that.
I mean, just... keep up the great work! This is seriously one of the best fics I've ever read, can't wait for next week!
Honestly, most of my stuff really is just short little vignettes of a single pair of guys... but once this story started getting more involved I felt like, well, the more the merrier. And it's not like I don't get anything out of it; they're fun to write. ^_^
Glad to have you lurking! <333
That icon... seriously... guh.
And poor Ryan finding out on TV! He needs to jump on a plane and get to B-more
or taking from a fave movie of mine, "NEVER!" XD
LOL I didn't, so no, I couldn't say that I would. But Ryan and I are different and RYAN needs to lol
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