Dec 12, 2010 16:45

As the subject line states: I'M BACK!

Sorry that Hiatus lasted for so long, I decided to put on my big girl panties and flip off the happenings in real life most heartily. I’ve missed you all dearly, and I was actually surprised that the thought crossed my mind to drop out. NEVER FEAR it’s not happening. Café is my baby and coming between me and it is very much like coming between a bear and her cub. THAT SAID, I’ve got a whole bunch of events planned, so I come back bearing the gift of increased activity for all hopefully.

Also I see that Pauline has been doing an awesome job of pimping us out since I see a few new faces. Hello to you! It’s nice to meet you! Man, am I ever sorry that I missed welcoming you properly! TT_TT I play Itachi, and you can call me Cait or Caitlyn or anything else that suit your fancy such a “fail-mod”, “the absent one” and other things like that. XD. I look forward to spamming your posts in the future ;) Normally I would give out my contact info here, but that will all be changing mid-next week hopefully so I will keep you all posted.

As for events I have a series of five that I’ll be putting out in rapid succession in the days leading up to Christmas. So keep an eye out for them.~!!

In anycase, thank you all for being so patient with my absence. I really appricate you all for sticking with us. Hopefully the new year will bring us better times for everyone and of course more craziness at our beloved Cafe ♥ ♥ ♥


EDIT: Because I'm so nice I want to give you hints for the events that are coming up so you can dread their coming look forward to them~. The hints shall be the titles given to them -- and one should keep in mind that at Cafe -- we don't celebrate Christmas in the traditional sense of things >D. You should take all titles as literally as possible.

1) Stop -- It's Cameo time. (yes, yes I know it's not a Christmas event -- this is just a warm up)
2) The 12 Days of Jashimas
3) Mistletoe Madness
4) Stay Frosty
5) Dreaming of New Years

ilugaiz, haitus is overrrrrrrrrrr, i'm back, bamf, lmfao, deidara is an idiot, does anyone even look at tags lol, spamspamspam, tags for the hell of putting tags, ooc!icon gooooo, whose ready to spam

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