With the long wait for season 2 of HBO's Game of Thrones upon us (;_;) and the release of the fifth installment to the ASoIaF just days away (!!!), I thought a friending meme was in order (not to mention it's been a while since I've seen a GoT friending meme floating around) =D (Also realised my banner could've used a bit of blue/cold colours but there it is, lol)
Because not everyone has read the books (or are still reading the books), I ask that you please clearly indicate if you are going to mention SPOILERS in any of your responses (i.e. putting a disclaimer before mentioning it, change the font colour to white, etc.) so that people who are still reading are aware of it and can all still have fun in this thread without worrying about spoilers and the like (unless you don't mind spoilers...but still ;)).
Here's the form:
Name:Age:Location: Favourite book:Favourite characters:Favourite house:Favourite ships:Favourite episode:Favourite thing about ASOIAF? Other interests/fandoms:Is your journal friends-only, partial or public?:Anything else you'd like to add?: And the code to plug it all around (please =D):
http://caffeinatedlife.livejournal.com/453937.html" target="_blank">http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v72/hotaruanne/friendingmeme_asoiaf.png" border=0>
A Game of Thrones/ASoIaF Friending Meme