Warning: Contains profanity, and multiple miscellaneous references, including Doctor Who.
Spoiler and Theory Summary
So... I made the mistake of looking at Felicia Day's Twitter feed to see if there was any news on the next season of The Guild and got an eyeful of Supernatural spoilers instead. Yes, I am a moron, thanks for noticing.
Episode is called LARP and the Real Girl (har har), involves people getting killed at a Ren Faire or SCA event, an over-the-edge gamer, Dean in chainmail, swords and wenches and so on. (I kind of want it to be SCA. I want Dean to do tourney combat and take on some cheating rhino-hide idiot.)
So, I'd say we're due for a light dose of crack after last week, but I'm not making any assumptions about what the show might do to us next at this point.
A last minute bit of speculation before hitting play (spec phobes scroll past this following paragraph) based on what Kevin's doing from last week, and the repeat guest character for this week. Kevin can read the code on the rock but is having trouble interpreting it, right? Charlie is a hacker and good with code. I'm calling now that at some point, Charlie will be helping Kevin interpret the rock code. Because they keep referring to it in computer programming terms and I have a funny sort of feeling about that. However, that funny feeling could just be the flu. :-P
Picspam Reaction, with speculation and randomness for Supernatural 8.11 - "LARP and the Real Girl"
WARNING: This post is going to have a LOT of RPG, SCA and convention fandom references. Also Doctor Who.
-Skipping the THEN.
-*spends far too long staring at the wargaming figures trying to figure out the manufacturer and system before realizing they aren't even the right scale* I should probably mention I've been sick, and may be more easily distracted by irrelevant minutiae than usual.
-"It's just a game!" Guessing 'Lance' is our likely over-the-edge gamer calling up bad things and the guy here with glasses and a shirt he got off Ernie from Sesame Street will be an early victim? Or will 'Lance' be a red herring? Either way, hoping for a balanced portrayal of gamers/SCAdians in this episode.
-Nice tatt! Kind of like Yggdrasil (why is that not in my spell check yet? *adds*) Too bad it's evil or something.
-Drawn and quartered by invisible horses. That's new. Also YUCK. Also definitely not Yggdrasil.
-Music! "China Grove" by the Doobie Brothers.
-"You remember fun, don't you Sam?" Sam's face is starting off very eloquently.
-"Garth has been tracking us, and other hunters apparently, to assign cases." Suddenly, Castiel et al being able to find the Winchesters despite the rib-runes isn't that complex anymore. All they have to do is ask Garth, or lurk invisibly over his hunter-locating GPS software.
-"Work a case. As long as we're waiting on Kevin, that'll be our fun." Dean's slightly bemused look is also quite eloquent.
Taggart and Rosewood, eh? Looks like it might have been Sam's turn to pick the names.
-Tie Report: Sam - Stripes in a complex blue-gray going down to Sam's left, Dean - White stripes on red (possibly some blue in there?) down to Dean's right. Current positioning, the stripes are going towards each other which is good, but the opposite colors could be pointing out that all is not yet entirely well between them. But when has it ever been entirely well?
-"He lived alone, which was a real shocker, considering this place is full of toys." *pat pat* It's okay Sheriff, you wouldn't understand. Though your mustache is looking rather medieval. Or 70's, hard to say.
-CHAINMAIL! *fistpump* Sorry. It's a thing.
-Written by Robbie Thompson, familiar name.
-Funny how Sam went straight to the arm with the fading evil tattoo on it. Must be some latent lingering psychic demon-blood-baby evil-sensing thing Sam has. Sure. *handwave*
-Directed by Jeannot Szwarc, who also directed the one with the Autons mannequins and the one with the hunter's kid. Hmm.
-"We didn't find any hoofprints." *facepalm* Well, at least the invisible horses could be heard by non-victims. Hm. Are Hell Horses a thing, like Hell Hounds? It's a little crass in method for it to be Mari Llywd, though the sleeping does make the possibility of an archetypal Night Mare interesting, but not likely with the setup.
-"She probably heard the TV, or was having a bad dream, or she was high as balls." Heee. Always a viable excuse for hearing weird things I suppose.
-"'You shall bleed for your crimes against us,' followed by the emoticon of a skull." *ponders* Would that be (8E? (8=? (•..•)? *shrug*
-"'I am a mage, I will destroy you.'" Pft. Standard gamer back-chat. I've had worse than that for not bringing Doritos.
-"These kids today, with their texting and murder." Heee. Sheriff does have his cute moments. *squints* Incidentally, not sure if I missed it being said before or not, but the Sheriff appears to be 'J. Miller', which is awfully close to being J. Mills, but he's definitely not Sheriff Jody, unless she hit an exceptionally rocky patch after Bobby's death. Also *points behind Sheriff Not-Jody* Random beer stein.
-D'awwwwwwww. Lance is adorable. I'm leaning toward red herring now myself with the big weepy outburst, though that could be a trick too. He is a role-player after all... *eyeballs*
-"They were from me but they weren't from me me."/"Did you really think that sentence was gonna clear things up?" Hee. Poor Dean. *pats*
-"Right, LARPing. Good times." Yes, and the boys have been introduced to the concept before. Any bets on whether they're going to be assumed to be LARPing the Supernatural books again when they get into a big crowd of LARPers? Yeah, yeah, me either.
-Lance: *starts listing dead guy's character's genealogy* People outside the game have no appreciation for detailed character backgrounds.
-The coming battle of Kingdoms this weekend, eh? Ha. Yeah. Moondor my left foot. It's the SCA with a different hat. Although the last SCAdians I talked to would go up one side of you and down the other if you called it LARPing. Also, the different hat would be a slightly pointy magical hat, since as I recall, the SCA stuck to more history and less fantasy, though given the higher baseline of magic in the Supernatural 'verse, magic use could have historical provenance. Hmm.
-"Because what I really want in a duel is an unmagic wand." Not sure but this could be Dean trying very hard to avoid a spit-take as Sam bobbles his head around in the background.
-"Oh yee gods, Thorgrimm the Difficult has fallen!" Grief takes whatever form it has to. *nods*
-Why am I not surprised Dean's read Fifty Shades of Grey?
-"Actually it looks kinda awesome." Yep, though it's not all armor, booze, wenches and swains. Mostly.
-ANACHRONISM! Yeah, it's got older origins than Star Trek, but I'm thinking that's not the intent there. XD
-Of course Charlie's the frigging Queen. XD
-Uh oh, marked for death too, on the right arm instead of the left. Hm. So if the dead guy was Lancelot to this soon-to-be-dead-guy's Merlin, who was their Arthur, and where is he on his character development arc?
-Sudden blood eruptions from everywhere... Not ringing any particular torture bells off-hand. Plague?
-I'm just gonna cap a whole bunch of the LARPers and scenery here, just because.
Heh. Don't know whether the show tapped the local SCA groups for extras, or people in the Lower Mainland SCA also work as extras (a few used to do stunts and props work for local productions) but I see about three or four faces I vaguely recognize from Lower Mainland sci-fi conventions back in the waybacks. *waves*
-*has silly grin through whole "half-orc thief in the stocks" scene* Man, I need to get back into RPGs. The sit around a table and roll dice kind, not the dress up in costumes kind.
-"Um, guys, we aren't doing the whole genre mash-up thing this weekend, we only do that every third month." HA!! BUSTED!! XD
-Suits, couple hundred bucks. Visit to Kinko's to laminate fake ID's, couple bucks. Getting their fake FBI IDs critiqued by some guy in a tabard? PRICELESS. XD
-"Her majesty is overseeing new squires on the pitch as we speak." YES. BRING ON THE PADDED SWORDS!
-Hi Felicia! I mean Charlie! Nice epaulets!
-"Nice balance."/"Dude!" *sneeeeeeeerk*
-"My name is Carrie Heinlein." Ahahahaha. Nothing like consistency in picking fake names.
-"If you guys are here, monsters are here." Fairly safe assumption, yeah.
-"Is there such a thing as a monster magnet?" Well, in GURPS there's Weirdness Magnet, and there's something similar in the Deadlands system I think, but if anyone's got something like that, the Winchesters do.
-"Have fun storming the castle." Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
-I'm sorry, but I have to pause this and laugh for about a year. It's not the crown itself so much as the rakish tilt. XD
-"It's a Celtic magic symbol. At least it was in my favourite video game." Heeeeee! Geek pop culture needs to get more use as a research tool on this show.
-Don't know the rules of the game or which side is what, but the green guys better duck and cover, since they don't have any siege engines and if red and muddy-brown team up on the blues or even if the reds are just on their way to pound the snot out of the blues, the greens would be like an hors d'oeuvre. I'm thinking the greens are probably elves.
-"I like my life here. I want to stay and fight or it." Charlie, Carrie, whatever she's calling herself is crazy as hell in some ways, but she really is awesome.
-Belladonna. Not plague then. And wikipedia's list of
symptoms of belladonna poisoning don't seem to include "bleeding from the everything", but that's okay, it's just wikipedia. *handwave, with exertion of willpower not to go looking for a poison that would cause bleeding from the everything*
-"The porn star?" *facepalm* *headshake* *giggle*
-"Just like they couldn't find ropes in Ed's apartment." Or horses, and they'd be harder to hide. Just saying.
-"There are no laptops in Moondor. What? There are rules!" *nods* The boys do still have smartphones though, so there might be some use in them.
-Tech tent. Or that. Hunh. It's been a long time since I interacted in any way with the SCA, is that a thing now?
-Love Dean's little smirk at getting to wear garb. He used to not be so into the costume thing ages ago.
-The sign. Bwahahahaha! XD
-Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Okay. That video game the guy is playing looks like Dragon Age II, and the character on his screen is Tallis, the character Felicia Day voiced for it and which was modeled on her. Never played the game myself though, so I could be wrong.
-YES! \o/
-Good that Dean's talking about the whole him and Sam situation with someone. However... "Now he's more committed than ever, so there's that." Dean, this is you, not buying your own crap.
-"Are we still talking about Sam, or did you break up with someone too?" I do like Charlie/Carrie/Queen Thing. She has a way of bypassing the Winchester emotional smokescreen sometimes.
-"D&D, Gamma World, Car Wars-" *FLAIL* CAR WARS! Not GURPS but a Steve Jackson Games product regardless! WOO! \o/
-"Out there in the real world, you are a hero." Yep. But nobody knows about it or can know about it. Not that you and Sam would know anything about being unheralded heroes, right Dean?
-Okay, this looks like a list of accident etc reports for previous non-fatal victims, there's a tree tatt, and I've gotta say the broken ankles at the top of the list are just OW. *wince*
-*close up of said ankles* AUAUGJAHGAHGAGHAAAAAAH!!! No I'm not capping those. Poor woman. AUGH.
-"No, sorry, but I'll look it up." ...Didn't this person say her character name was something 'the wicked'? In a typical procedural/crime drama, wouldn't the perp be tending to insert themselves into the investigation right around now? And isn't she a bit too cool and unbothered by the photos of her friends' (known, real) injuries, and some random guy inna suit looking at their medical files? And doesn't she have a biggish speaking part? I CALL WHATS-HER-NAME THE BLONDE-PERSON AS THE PERPETRATOR! *points accusing finger*
-Case first, horn-dogging later, Dean Charlie. (Hee!)
-And she knows too much about who's what where, and still isn't even slightly bothered about some random in a suit on a non-crossover weekend looking at LARPers medical files and case reports. It's totally her. And she's not bothered about telling Sam anything because she's going to go off and make him sprout a tattoo right after this.
-Oh, great, Fairy Magic. We haven't heard from that dimension in a long time, wonder what they've been up to since the
alien abductions. "Tree of Pain." Pffffffft. Yeah. Sure. Okay. And they knew the name of it to type it into the search bar to find it too. Or maybe Sam typed 'tree' and 'of pain' was an autocomplete option. Yeah. *handwave*
-"Wait, fairy magic can be bad?" Okay, if I hadn't already been sure, she was the perp and playing Sam as a patsy before, I am now. No gamer worth their dice thinks fairies/fae are 100% happy kindly Disney creatures. *points accusing finger again*
-"Yeah of course. Nope. Nope I haven't seen it." Heheh. Nice cover, Mr. Half-orc. *pats*
-"First time for a lot of things if you want to come by my tent later." *snerk* What happens in Moondor, stays in Moondor.
-"This is my new... Handmaiden." BWAHAHAHA! So many points to Dean for playing that off with a relatively straight face.
-*giggles through the rest of the scene* Although really, sending the Queen off unguarded without a weapon is probably not a great idea right now. For case reasons or game reasons.
-Aaaaand we switch to the stalker!cam to prove me right. Thanks, show!
-Dark haired sort-of burly person, but it's probably the Orcs making a move rather than the murderer, so at least there's that. Ah, and love those BC woods.
-Yep, if you're going to be accosted alone in the woods, it's best to be accosted by someone you can defeat with a beanbag. Right in the nose!
-"You attend to the Queen's laundry and chamber-pots." Thinking Dean might have been unclear on the concept of handmaiden. Hee! Dean's face.
-"We're going to do a little prisoner exchange, try to draw their King out of hiding." And, as always, in a new world setting, whatever it is, Dean adapts to it, Sam tries to make it adapt to him. Hee!
-Gotta say, these LARPers have some damn fine pavilions.
-PORTAL!!! \o/ Just, with the out one door and in the other. It's a video game, I've never played it. But anyway, yeah. That little tesser-space loop between the doors is pretty certainly not part of the LARP. I still say it's the tech tent blonde person under the skull mask. Unless it's what's his name the guy in the tabard, he's been talking a lot too. Nah, it's tech tent person. Probably. Yeah. *nods*
-"I'm just an IT girl, standing in front of a monster, asking it not to kill her." HA! Notting Hill reference? That's unexpected. XD
-Wait, who the heck are you? O.o
-"That is all I want as well." Ohhhhhhhh! She's bound by someone! Okay, awesome!! Well, I mean, not awesome for the fae person obviously, or an awesome thing to do to any sentient being without their say so, but an awesome plot *handwave* thingy.
-*facepalm* Case and survival first, Charlie! Then you can try to seduce the hot fae woman.
-Yes, because heading into the woods in the dark with a bunch of clueless mundanes always helps.
-Oh this guy practically screams 'dupe'. Look for whoever advised him on his coat of arms instead.
-"We don't want to freak out the mundanes." *BIG GRIN* *VICTORY ARMS FOREVER* \o/ I really really need to game. Or go to a con. Just a little con. *sigh*
-Dean, King of subtlety.
-Well, okay, yeah, taking a crest from a randomly appearing tattoo works too. Damn cool for a coat of arms origin story, actually.
-"Here, take 'em." Who the hell is gonna mug you at a LARP for your ears, dude? Though really, gunfire will tend to make people do strange things. Heh. It's a good thing Dean didn't pull this in my last gaming group. Most of the players were military, security, or similar professions, and Dean would have been on the ground chewing mulch long before he fired.
-"I noticed something odd down by the creek." And then there are the awesome ones who can cope when the weird gets potentially lethal and step up to help. You rock, half-orc (or I guess orc, whatever *handwave*) thief guy. (He's been looking really familiar... has he been in a previous episode, or is it the usual Vancouver actor syndrome?)
-"You mean she's not into Orcs?" Aw. Not quite, honey. *pats* (Interesting that tabard guy is still willing to follow them after the gunfire... Still thinking the perp is the person from the tech tent, but maybe she's got a henchdude in tabard-guy? Or he's just coming along as the emergency backup victim. Hmm.)
-Seriously, case first, nookie later.
-"I don't know his name, but I was brought here to do his bidding." His, hunh? The accusing finger swings more towards tabard-guy. Unless she's never met her summoner and is assuming, or is a little wobbly on human gender pronouns.
-"I'd never hurt anyone, I'm a fairy. The good kind." *koffBULLSHITkoffPOSSIBLYkoff* Yeah, definitely back off on the seduction there Charlie. Hm. Maybe the fae has a hold over the guy who summoned her rather that vice versa, and maybe she glamoured herself to be the girl in the tech tent? Hmm.
-"A hero must take my master's book of magic and destroy it, breaking the spell." Releasing her to go home, or releasing her to run amok with full fairy power? Hmm...
-"My name is Charlie Bradbury, and I am here to rescue you." Awwww. Heee. And watch out Charlie! It could be a trap!
-"A handmaiden and a time traveller rescue the Queen? I think not, kind lady." Yeah, tabard-guy's skipped a reality groove there. (And he obviously hasn't watched much Doctor Who, though I can't think of any of the Doctor's companions who wouldn't have some serious issues with being dismissed as a handmaiden. Well, except
Katarina, one of the first Doctor's very short-lived companions who was, literally, a handmaiden.) Could be a coping mechanism for dealing with the gunfire, could be a sign he's murdering people using a bound fae person as a weapon.
-Oh my god, it's very nearly an old canvas Girl Guide tent! No guy-lines or tarp though, and there were never skulls on posts in front of the ones in the camps I was in, not that there wouldn't have been had the Guides had more of a direct say in things.
-Ahem. The case, Charlie? Rescue first, nookie later? Am I repeating myself enough yet?
-Apparently not. Aaand tabard-guy breezes blithely into the tent behind the Winchesters under the cover of, well, a very distracting distraction. *snerk*
-Darn. I still think the tech tent person is up to something though. Though maybe she was just trying to get into Sam's pants. Still... *eyeballs*
-Heeee! It's the squawking chicken noise that makes it work.
-"My name is Boltar the Furious!" Well, you've certainly been hiding your appellation well up to this point. Probably should have some XP docked for not playing your alignment, or disadvantages or whatever character trait system Moondor has.
-"Paying off other players with real money instead of Moondor currency. They were cheating!" And so they died. Lethal adherence to the rules. Lawful Evil, perhaps?
-"I came here to be different." Well, you've certainly succeeded in that, enslaving a fae being and murdering people. Not the good kind of different though.
-"How'd you get it?"/"...ebay?" *sneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerk* Well, Sam and Dean have on occasion done similar, so whatever works.
-Speaking of tourney rules, real blades are also against them, sunshine.
-"Gilda, the big one!" HEEEEEEEEE!!! Sam 'the big one'.
-GO CHARLIE, going after the real sword with the padded one! Uncappably, damn it.
-Dean has this face, see, it does these things that make me splorf tea.
-Sam's getting choked! WHAT DAY IS IT? \o/
-"Hey, Jerry. I'm the one who saves damsels in distress around here." *glee*
-Oh good! Stabbing it ALA Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets worked. 'Cause I was gonna say, there's a nice fireplace right behind you if that falls through. Not that I would ever normally advise burning or destroying a book, but if it's a book that's being used to enslave someone and force them to murder, it probably could do with some extreme retroactive editing.
-"He must face a fairy tribunal for his sins." Yeah. Have fun with that, Boltar.
-"Call me, maybe?" *FACEPALM*
-"I gotta face reality from now on. Sadly, reality actually includes monsters, but what are you gonna do?" Aw.
-"Apart from the fact that you blocked me from banging a fairy-" Now, really, that wasn't Dean so much as the plot. I mean Boltar leading them into the trap and stuff. I'm sure preventing Charlie from getting friendly with Gilda was the very last thing on Dean's priority list.
-Hee! I like Charlie. I really do. I know I'm supposed to like her as a fan avatar-type character or whatever, but I really do like her. Of course this means she's now doomed. Sigh.
-And the boys actually talk? "Having fun won't help me. It'll help both of us." Awwwwwww.
-Excuse me I need to die laughing now.
ETA: What the heck, have an icon.
Credit me if you're insane enough to use it.
-The LARPers must be really well known in this park for someone to be throwing a frisbee around so close to them. Also bwahahahahahah!
-I'm just gonna cap, because crack this intense only comes around on screen once in a very long while.
Oh god, even the font is making me crack up. It looks like Zapf Chancery, my go-to font for oldey-worldy scroll printing in high school. XD
Well, that was refreshing!
(PLEASE, NO SPOILERS OR REFERENCES TO UNAIRED EPISODES IN COMMENTS! Any and all promo material for unaired episodes is considered to be a spoiler in this journal. The further definition of what constitutes a spoiler for this journal is located in left hand sidebar. Theory and speculation based on aired episodes only.)