Nov 03, 2002 02:15
somehow life never turns out the way you plan it to.Everything for me should be alright, i should have a strong,committed,trusting,caring,compromisingrelationship..but somehow shit just got fucked up.. and with her confused and me pretty much on hold..shit just fucked up ya herrrrrrrd
Oct 31, 2002 00:57
after a year someone can write a poem about never loving you..after you have shared so fuckin much with them??pretty great huh
Jun 30, 2002 08:28
ya can't live with em,and ya can't live without em,sux huh
Apr 03, 2002 18:31
TO FUCKIN HOWIE,you want to talk shit mother fucker,anytime anyplace me and you mother fucker
Apr 03, 2002 00:59
I love christi....get to see her in 9 or so hours :D
Mar 31, 2002 15:56
Guess what Everyone I'm a WannaBE hacker and have a small peNIS,muhahahahahaha..oh yeh and i'm a big dork:)I love the people in this world.Today has been a fun day..makin bank spamin and talkin is great....:)no no really
Mar 28, 2002 12:20
I HATE ALL PEOPLE(excluding alex,mike,jeremy,babymomma)no one can be trusted ,trust no one
Mar 27, 2002 18:06
don't let this everything else
Mar 26, 2002 01:27
i got drunk and acted like a dick couple days ago...made out with another girl..but yet shes still here..i really know now,more then ever i don't ever wanna loose her..i really really love i gotta find a job..maybe with spamin and a job i can move out with her..i hope..but what i really know right now is that i love her..