(no subject)

Aug 16, 2009 18:31

Poll Jared and Jensen who?

'Cause I think I'm more excited about hanging out with people in Chicago than the Con itself! HA HA OH DEAR.

ALSO, whispered_theme, flusteredspeech, idril_telrunya, magikalrhiannon, spazzbot, orange74, and feendish,

HEY GUYS. Alright, um. Lauren? I know you said you weren't sure if you were able to go, and of course we really really want you there but totally understand if you can't! Kate! YOU WANT TO COME, YES YOU DOOOO. I'm pretty sure Chrissy will drive up there and threaten you in numerous ways.

Wendy, Larissa, and Erin, you all have silver tickets, correct? SO, well, the rest of us, our problem with the tickets suck ass, obviously. Right now, the number one thing we're banking on is the hope that they may sell general admin Sunday tickets at the Con. There's also the very slight possibility that within the span of the next three months, a whole group of someones will want to sell their tickets. CROSSING FINGERS MAJORLY.

If you guys want, however, we can still get preferred seating on Saturday. If so, someone will need to buy the tickets all together so we can all sit together. Soooo, yeah, we need to decide that. If we just want to get general tickets, then there's no need.

If, in the end, nothing works out, we are still going to try to make the absolute best of it. We'll be in freaking CHICAGO. A;LSKDJFA;LJAFJD THE CITY IS AMAZING. We will tromp around majorly, yes. If we don't get in, those of us who don't have tickets will probably go a bit on Sunday, and then all of us can go again on Monday, if hopefully everyone can stay that late!

IMPORTANT!: Go to a Chicago tourist website or others like tripadvisor.com and make a list of stuff that you really want to do. We'll pool them all together and pick out the ones we all want to do/see. That way we're not floundering around going, uhhh what do you want to do? IDK WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO.

Erin and Larissa, you guys already have your own hotel room, right? For the rest of us, the awesome magikalrhiannon and her husband has already scored us a hotel room. But even if everyone who I listed isn't able to come, we're probably going to need to get another room. I think in the past (though I can't remember who I was with) we were able to get a second hotel room booked really close to one that had already been booked by request. So, another thing that someone will need to do!

Uhh, I think that's it? If I forgot anything let me know!

Three whole tropical storms out there suddenly = awesome! Switching shifts so I don't have to be at work right now and then back in at 6:30 tomorrow morning = awesome. And this new Radiohead leak is so awesome I could diiiie, ungh.

irl, music, creation con chicago '09

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