Title: Keyless [1/?] Pairing: Key/Jonghyun Word Count: 9,525 Genre: romance, fluff Rating: PG-13 Summary: Jonghyun isn't scared of commitment, he just wants to know if there's a little more to life than this.
Title: It Was Supposed to be Me [2/?] Author: cake_tree Rating: PG Pairing: SeKaiHo (Sehun/Kai/Suho) Genre: au, angst Word Count:4,908 Summary: How can I stand by and watch him slip away?
Title: It Was Supposed to be Me [1/?] Author: cake_tree Rating: PG Pairing: SeKaiHo (Sehun/Kai/Suho) Genre: au, angst Word Count: 5,683 Summary: How can I stand by and watch him slip away?
Title: When The Lights Go Out [1/?] Author: cake_tree Rating: PG-13 Genre: Angst Word count: 8,251 Summary: In a world that was dying, they found a family within each other.