Aug 09, 2006 10:16
mmm i really have to stop talkin so much and calling so much on those kinda nights...
but i had so much fun =]
melikerlyjoykatienickstephymikefernlovinglifesalsamerenguetamboresDANCING =]
Aug 03, 2006 23:03
I got a new cellphone so i have no numbers. Send me yours if u want me to have it plz
mine's 7863168550
Aug 02, 2006 11:54
i gotta go file a police report today...
the ppl that stole my stuff left my license and health insurance card on my doorstep last night and i found it when i got home. I left my dad a note and he freaked out this morning. He made all the gaurds check the cameras and now he thinks i've put the entire family in danger. =-\
Jul 30, 2006 11:16
so yeah... last night i got robbed while working =(. 30 bucks, my cellphone, and my LICENSE. so now i can't go anywhere and im really bummed out =[...
on the brightside there are other occurrences to make me very happy at the moment =D