Title: Finding a Balance 1/1 Summary: It takes a bit of give and take, but when they can finally find a balance, Klaus and Caroline can let go. Rating: NC-17
This is just beautiful. I love all the turmoil of emotions!!! The sex was super hot too! Great job all around. I love finding new Klaroline fic that's as in character as this :)
Glad i got that reaction! Smut isnt easy to write so its nice to be appreciated. :) I love that part too. There was such a desperation and weakness on Klaus there. I had actually intended to end it there and just leave it angsty. But I obviously didnt. Lol
I totally read this last night & then went to bed a happy girl! Hahahahahaha! ;)
That was sooo hot like can I get a cold shower?!
Like Damn!
Loved when Klaus just wanted ...no, needed to hear her say it, OUT LOUD that she was his. It was cute & sincere & showed his vulnerability & human emotion.
“You have no idea how cruel you really are” , “You can have me any where you want.” , “I’ve always been yours.” - Ughhhh!!! I died. DIED!
Thank you! I love all these reactions to smut. :) And about Klaus, I think that is the thing with him. He is very strongand powerful, but emotionally very vulnerable and he needs confirmation from Caroline. And those are some of my favorite quotes too. Especially the one about Caroline being cruel. She really isn't but to Klaus, to possibly want her for a very long time and never be able to have her, that would be torture. Thanks for reviewing!
This was beautifully passionate but also with a hint of darkness--as much as Klaus loves Caroline, he can not help but be the inherently selfish creature he is and Caroline can't help but try and make him see that there's another way to live.
Comments 8
That was sooo hot like can I get a cold shower?!
Like Damn!
Loved when Klaus just wanted ...no, needed to hear her say it, OUT LOUD that she was his. It was cute & sincere & showed his vulnerability & human emotion.
“You have no idea how cruel you really are” , “You can have me any where you want.” , “I’ve always been yours.” - Ughhhh!!! I died. DIED!
Lovely work on this :)
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