HELL YEAH! blink 182 straight outta california has got a new video! checked it out earlier when it premiered. another sick one. been loving them since 97' when the came out the dude ranch. dont hate on them. ok off to tommy's pad. oh yeahs todays my sisters bday....... peaccze!
10 MORE DAYS OF SCHOOL.... yeah! SUMMER 04! ;) totally hyped for that. hopefully everything in school will be in my favor meaning i'll pass & all. i think i should start going to 7-8 period right? cause i haven't showed up in about a week and 2 days =/ my excuse on the absences will be *cough* I was SICK*cough haha
* saw troy saturday with tommy, gabe, jake * havent't unpacked yet its been a week already * waiting for SOMEONE to call, when he says he'll call arghh
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one seriously insane dude.... Pete Cabrinha of Hawaii won the BILLABONG XXL GLOBAL BIG WAVE AWARD. Pete rode a 70-footer on the North Shore of Maui a break known as "JAWS". He picked up a $70,000 check to match his ride. how dammm sweet!