too little time for this, but now i have comcast cable and tv at the apt, so maybe I will have time. I am horribly sick, but what else is new? How is everyone else? Great. We go on tour september 22nd
Still no job. I need money to pay for everything, especially our new apartment we move into sunday. I have been driving my car around without insurance and expired license plate tabs because i cant renew them without insurance, and my parents dont like to help me what so ever.
So right now life blows. No job, no money, car is falling apart, and the usual shitty things. I dont want sympathy, I just want you to say (if you say anything at all) "That sucks"... Or if you say things will work out, then how about you back that up with getting me a job, new car and someone who cares.
Hey everyone! If you check on our myspace page or purevolume, we have a 3 song sampler up of 3 songs that will soon be released. The full songs will be uploaded by the end of this month, so keep checking back!