weatherfeatherTitle: Mad Dash (part 3)
Rating: PG
Pairing/s: none
Character/s: Merlin, Gaius
Summary: Gaius' worry wars with Merlin's destiny.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 144
Prompt: #466 Bingo: invincible
Author's Notes:
"I have to try, Gaius. Gwaine says the beasts are shape shifters. Nobody else will be able to spot it."
"Merlin, you have great abilities, but you are not invincible. Uther's fire will burn you just the same as all the rest, no matter what you do to save anyone."
"I have to try," Merlin repeats earnestly. "And then I have to go find Arthur. He's wounded somewhere, and the thing inside the castle is only one of the many more out there where he is."
Gaius studies Merlin's face, and Merlin gets the feeling that Gaius is memorizing it just in case something goes wrong. "Be careful, my boy."
Merlin nods. "I'll do what I can, Gaius."
Merlin can feel Gaius watching him wind his way through the mad dash of fleeing wounded until he reaches the door and slips out of sight.