Title: Mad Dash (part 6) Fandom: Merlin (for Camelot_Drabble) Length: 650w Warnings: dead bodies Summary: Merlin searches for Arthur and surveys the destruction of battle.
Title: Mad Dash (part 5) Fandom: Merlin (for Camelot_Drabble) Length: 278w Warnings: fire, violence, creature, vomit Summary: Merlin's fight with one of the beasts continues. The quest to locate Arthur begins.
Title: Women, Horses, and Trophies Fandom: Merlin (for Camelot_Drabble) Length: 476w Warnings: none Summary: Arthur and Lancelot are the two best jousters in the tournament. They're also in competition for the same woman.
Title: The Queen's Land Fandom: Merlin (for Camelot_Drabble) Length: 587w Warnings: none Summary: High-class city girl Morgana buys a farm in the country to have a life she only ever saw in pictures. There, she meets local-boy family-farmer Merlin. They're dating, and he helps her with farm stuff. This is one of those times.