Feb 19, 2006 15:39
...and imagine how good they'd be if Kipper was playing for them!
Sep 04, 2005 23:44
so it's been a long time since I posted in here, but for anyone who still keeps tabs on me here just saying hey. Not that there really is anyone that probably does, but oh well heh
Feb 24, 2005 13:31
I'm takin bets who thinks I'll be single before they start playin hockey again? Both of these "lockouts" started just about the same time heh
Feb 14, 2005 11:05
damn valentines day got me down not to mention I've been lonely lately, but now I think I caught the flu bug gah! I know I'll get out of this, but when, and how? I know I'm an impatient bastard, but this just sucks right here. I'm here at my internship left to dwell on this fact because there is nothing to do here. I guess that is all