*There are a couple of things campers may wish to observe upon the northeastern horizon: The clouds have gone completely black in a mass area of the swampland. There is a distinct lack of sound--chirping, crawling, moaning, and otherwise--in that area. The crackling, purple lightning dancing from sky to ground.*
*But even better for easy-viewing would be the petite, lavender-haired girl, floating twenty feet above the living area, glowing a bright, bloody red.*
... Hated love...Potamos will eradicate love from this world. Mitai na....
((OOC Notes -
This happened in the wee hours of the morn.
- I be boss cat. This is bossfight thread. Hardcore details
be here.
- on IRC chan #senshi. Ping me there for any details/questions/etc. :D
- Potamos is bringing sexy back has her powers back. And then some.
- Potamos herself will no longer be fighting but the cannon fodder's still active.))
- If I missed any threads, will be happy to continue them at your convenience...or when I gain sanity back.
HEALING LIGHT OF GINZUISHOU IS IN EFFECT. Dead and brused are not-so-dead and bruised.
- I have no extra point here. Except thank you thank you for tolerating my clumsiness for the eve. And ROUNDIVE APPLAUSE TO FRANK--HE ALSO TAKES BABIES, ONE NIGHT STANDS, CHECKS, AND MAJOR CREDIT CARDS.))