[There are A LOT of new notes on
The Games and Quests Bulletin Board. On top of them all, now being pinned up by Kyon, is very loud, sparkly paper, created by the SOS Brigade bitch - below the bulletin board is a stack full of the same paper. The paper looks like
[Cloud is at the chocobo stables, as usual.]
. . .
((...Kay, I went down the first page of permissions, and started making stuff up. KNOCK YOURSELVES OUT, GUYS. Jump each other, bitch at Cloud, bitch at Kyon - they are both in this post (BUT ARE REALLY SLOW)! If you have any questions IC or OOC, let me know! Basically, the SOS-dan Scavenger Hunt is instructing you - yes, ALL OF YOU - to take a piece of paper and GO FIND CHARACTERS THAT QUALIFY, AND FILL IT OUT IC-LY. This is basically a ginormous IC excuse to jump each other for AS LONG AS IT TAKES across AS MANY POSTS AS IT TAKES and MEET NEW CHARACTERS! Of course if you're shy that's ok (c-check people's permission memes if you're not sure!), but JUMPING IS ESPECIALLY ENCOURAGED IN THIS POST. ♥ Get to it, Camp Fuck You Die!))
((ETA: G-god this is like the first post I've tried to run since school started and it's REALLY ROUGH BREAKING IN so I'm sorry to anyone trying to have a real thread with me omg. Also I am DROPPING THREADS LIKE TWO-DOLLAR WHORES BY THIS POINT I - I was flimsy KEEP THREADING WITH EACH OTHER T^Tb))