[The following is being broadcast to all laptops... or, you know, the ones you want to hear it.]
Phone Post: --just talk into it and people will hear!
That's not a phone! It's too small! I don't know why the hell you think you can tell me what to do, but--!
--dude, seriously? Just do it. You want to get rid of it too.
Augh, whatever, fine. Okay, everyone listen up. I don't know if you idiots noticed, but there's something weird going on in the woods. And I bet you have, since half the stupid camp's been running around in there the last few days. There's something wrong out there. It's easy to miss from the ground, but the last couple of nights, I could see it from the sky. Weird lights, all over the place, and they're moving in towards one spot. If you ask me, that's where the problem is. It creeps me the hell out. So if you want to do anything about it, follow the lights. But don't be STUPID about it; it's obviously a trap. Just get rid of it.
Haha, wow, okay. Anyway, I can run interference if any of the... affected people try to head back in there too. We're out near the edge of the woods, and I haven't seen anyone come in yet. But I had a look and it's not good, like this guy said. Just a warning!
[And indeed, there is a tengu and a teenager standing near the edge of the woods. Beyond them, there's a glow in the sky... somewhere out there, someone's really lit up the place.]
((OOC: Final post for the Axe Crazy plot. Anyone planning on heading out there, tag in and assemble and whatnot. I'll put a separate comment up in a while for finding the statue/berserk buttoning and link it here. #heresjohnny is available for coordination, and LET ME KNOW if you're going for a) the chance to snap b) to destroy the statue. Anyone who's already crazy and wouldn't mind helping attack the non-crazy, I would love you forever.
And destroyed! Sanity resumes here. Use this post however you like, thanks for playing guys ♥))