It seems that with the inclusion of eight hours sleep in my schedule, time moves distressingly fast. I did not know two weeks could pass so quickly! In order to make up for this lost time, I will address several matters at once. [efficiency! ... or so he thinks anywayWhy do humans of this Earth celebrate a holiday about a very strange imPort
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An imPort? This conflicts with what I've been informed with regards to the occasion, but I suppose not entirely improbable?
But the other matter is of more relevance. Are you then claiming responsibility for these outside influences causing the unusual behavior during that period?
No. And I will not claim responsibility, either. I was not the one who caused it.
Additionally, I would imagine you to be familiar with who this "one" who caused the incident is perhaps, given your familiarity with the cause.
And perhaps.
What information, then, would you be willing to share? On either matter, actually.
As for the Numbers and their influence, that depends entirely on what you want to know.
What I would like to know in regards to the "Numbers" and the influence they spread is what the circumstances were that caused the incident.
I much prefer birds. [that has nothing to do with the question at hand...] While capable of flight, they stand-up straight and walk on two legs. [a pause, and then he continues]
It's difficult for me to give you an answer, I don't know the circumstances myself. They were not in my possession at the time.
I have never heard of this term before. [he's heard of trolls, but that's a race... basically he is confused]
The verb refers to a typically electronic method of interaction characterized by a somewhat playful but at times more vicious antagonism, at times utilizing humorous deception or sarcasm, its purpose being to elicit an emotional response from its target. Usually that response would be most likely exasperation for the sake of amusement on the initiator's end, but I generally prefer to employ it only in cases where it would be necessary to form and maintain a friendship.
You said you are a troll. I assume like the one who wrote with violet text?
What shade of violet? A sickening magenta, or a royal tyrian? Or even, perhaps, a captivating yet decidedly human lavender?
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