So, I've decided to start a blog crew for RG Veda. To join, just comment and request a (unclaimed) character, and I'll add you to the list. Then you can put this tag (made by
von_questenberg <3) to your user info:
>> RG Veda Blog Crew *
Insert name here * <<
So, care to join?
Ashura (younger) -
capella_aurigaeSouma -
von_questenbergKendappa -
aerostatiAshura (elder) -
neverwinterKujaku -
undeadmikoRyuu-ou (younger) -
melaKarura -
pilesofdustRyuu-ou (elder) -
duchessaTaishakuten -
pretereoTenou -
amewarashiYasha -
kuraudyoKaryoubinga -
suzumiesqueRasetsu -
bearmoonBishamonten -
danlyGigei -
haryanKisshouten -
yuifiriaKahra -
hilianZouchouten -