Title: To Extremes Dreamwidth backup Author: saraid Rating: Nc-17 Pairing: Steve/Tony Universe: New Avengers AU, no Civil War, no Skrull Betas: marinarusalka Word count: 30,667 Labels: H/C Warnings: none Summary: Tony gets sick. Tony stays sick. Steve takes care of him.
Warnings: Deals with pregnancy, abortion, and miscarriage. A/N: The Avengers line-up in the late 80s (post Armor Wars) was insane and totally
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Title: In a Different Light Dreamwidth backup Author: marinarusalka Rating: R Word count: aprox. 20,700 Canon: movieverse/616 mashup; set about a year and a half after the Iron Man movie, with the assumption that the classic Avengers team was formed a few months after Tony's "I am Iron Man" press conference
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Big favor to ask. I know I asked for html tags in fic - but do not put in html tags. For some reason its causing a issue. It a word needs to be italicized or bolded just do so in the word doc like you would if you were going to print it out
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