does anyone know of anyone looking for roommates for the summer? i really want to stay in boston for the summer, but i don't know of anyone staying here! i need roommates! gah! please help!
hahahahaha. i'm so happy. straight B+ all around actually. nothing to be particularly proud of, i know. but balancing travel and schoolwork was difficult! i'm happy. :)
london is amaaaaazing. i'm going to die of happiness from all the theater that i'm seeing. and it's going to be great. and then i'm going to go back to the castle and cry inside because i can't see a show every night. but then i'll get over it because i'm living in a frickin castle. have i said lately how much i love my life? seriously. :P
so i got back from sweden this morning. the castle that i live in just got struck by lightning. and there are people dancing in the torrential rain outside my giant window. is this really my life? *pinch*