[Player information]
Player Name: Liz
Age: 25
E-mail: deathnomiko@hotmail.com
Other characters played at Cape Kore: None
[Character information]
Name: The Doctor (10)
Canon: Doctor Who
Canon Point: post Planet of the Dead
Age: 900, give or take
Appearance: Tall and lanky with a thin frame, he'd built like a natural runner. Very expressive facial features. He can typically be found in a brown tailored suit with tan converse trainers.
Inventory: ((No sonic screwdriver!? The Doctor is virtually naked!)) glasses he refers as his "brainy specs", a yo-yo, psychic paper, TARDIS key, Agatha Christie's novel And Then There Were None
Abilities: The Doctor is a Time Lord from the planet of Gallifrey. He looks harmless and human, but humans just look like Time Lords. Time Lords are trained and are very knowledgeable in all subjects: sciences, mathematics, agriculture, history, languages, and the Doctor has made a point to learn about popular culture during his time spent on Earth. He has sort of a sixth awareness of being able to see time and space as well, which influences his ability to fly his TARDIS, or time machine, which isn't with him in the game.
Physically he appears anatomically correct to a human male, but there are many differences. He has two hearts, a lower core body temperature than humans, a double pulse which is actually far slower than a human's, and a completely unidentifiable blood type. Time Lords also have a respiratory bypass system that allows him complete control over oxygen intake and consumption that prevent them from being strangled to death and able to survive on little to no oxygen for an extended period of time. Time Lords are capable of withstanding extreme temperature fluctuations, and possess heightened senses.
The Doctor is also a touch-telepath, capable of mind-to-mind communication and mild hypnotism, though he never perfected it. He's seen to use to show background information and open mental links, such as with Donna to let her hear the Ood sing and wipe her memory.
Regeneration is another ability possess by Time Lords and is a result after severe illness or injury. It's a way of cheating death by being "reincarnated", keeping the same memories, but changing physical appearance and personality. This is the Doctor's 10th regeneration currently. The process is very taxing on the brain and body and takes hours to recover fully.
Just a madman with a box Personality: The Doctor's personality initially could be considered quite manic as he's unable to stand or sit still for very long. He's incrediblely precocious and finds himself tinkering away at various projects all the while unable to hold one single thought at a time. He's an excellent multi-tasker with his flight of ideas seeming to burst through. He's energetic, given with his mania, and is able to keep up with such high amounts of stamina.
In tight or difficult situations, he doesn't panic or stress easily. He's able to take a step back, dig through his pockets and find something to help. It's difficult for him to admit defeat as he's too determined to solve a problem or at least try to make the situation better. In the most chaotic situations he's able calmly look at the bigger picture and try to figure out a solution all the while reassuring his companion that there is hope.
However, as the series progresses, it's aware he harbors a lot of guilt, is extremely empathetic of others, and can be his own worst critic. He's still clearly affected of his role in the Time War, causing his entire planet and people to be eradicated by his own hands, and is in search of acceptance. He longs to be more human-like, which is perhaps why he travels with so many. He takes caring for others and situations seriously, and it's difficult for him to walk away from a complicated situation as his mania and determination never wants him to back down, and his empathy not wanting to hurt more people. However, that being said, he does have a dark side that surfaces, as especially seen in Human Nature/Family of Blood, where he can become vindictive and unrelenting. It's also evident in some of his speechs and open threats to enemies that he's strong and determined, and just too stubborn to back down from a fight.
He can be openly critical of his species stating he thinks they live too long and doesn't agree with plenty of their ideals/thoughts. Going along with his occasional showings of vindictiveness, sometimes there's hints that he doesn't regret his role in the war, only furthering his guilt and inner conflict of searching for acceptance.
At the end of Journey's End, he feels like he risked too many lives and is extremely guilty about it, causing him to want to isolate himself from his friends and travel alone for a while. I'll be taking him after Planet of the Dead, so he knows about the prophecy about him, and is trying not to think about his next regeneration.
First Person:
A conversation with the Metacrisis over a haunted library Third Person:
The Doctor and Donna are in an AU of WWII Anything Else?