Below follows a little piece that I wrote quite a while back, and as it's still showing no signs of developing into a longer story, I've finally decided to post it as it is. (If it ever does become part of a longer story, it's sure to transform beyond recognition anyway.) This is probably the least fragmentary of my collected snippets and fragments
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Comments 35
I am so glad that I popped in here and found this lovely snippet to read! What a wonderful moment you captured - a tender, peaceful time just after the quest. Our hobbits forgetting the horrors of the journey for a few moments to share memories of the wonders they have seen amongst those horrors. And, Frodo's linking of the sound of the ents to the sound of the sea...perfect!
I so enjoyed this! It's wonderful on its own, without any further development.
Thank you,
Suz :)
Our hobbits forgetting the horrors of the journey for a few moments to share memories of the wonders they have seen amongst those horrors.
Considering the extent of those horrors and losses, I think it's all too easy to overlook all the wonderful and delightful discoveries, large and small - looking at my own post-quest stories, I'm guilty of neglecting that side of things myself. I'd really love to see more stories about Frodo and Sam and Pippin and Merry sharing their experiences, including the joys and marvels.
Anyway! Thanks again for the lovely compliment. :)
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This story actually arose when two friends of mine were working on (very different) stories relating Merry's thoughts about Ents. Unfortunately, both are still unfinished, but reading the drafts made me think about Pippin's impressions, and how he'd put them into words. I'm glad my attempt to capture a bit of that worked for you!
I love seeing Sam as Frodo sees him.
Oh, me too! I love reading about Frodo's perceptions of Sam at different stages in the journey and don't think I'll ever get enough of it. That's a most fascinating thread in the books, too, especially during the early stages of the quest, when Frodo begins to see and discover things about Sam he'd never quite noticed before. (And there's certainly more to Sam than most people realized.)
I'm glad you found this little scene so vivid, and thank you ever so much for your comments. :)
No, he's neither 'ordinary' nor fat (Tolkien never said that anyway), though the latter isn't that important... ;)
Anyway: which essay are you looking for? It should probably be obvious to me, but do let me know, and I'll send it.
I think there may be much more than a "fanciful" sort of connection between Sam and Eressëa, too.
What kind of a connection, do you think? Or should we postpone that question until later?
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