Carissa Explains It All

May 31, 2003 02:58

I hate to post this, I really do. If it were up to me alone, I would just let this die and hopefully never hear from the people involved again. However, some horrible things have been said and done and they affect others besides myself and they want the truth to be known. I don't blame them, actually, but this is a post I really wish I didn't have to write. I wish none of this had ever happened. clarabella21 and sarahkjames have made some bad decisions and done some really stupid things thinking they wouldn't get caught.

They did.

For those of you who don't know the story, you can go here to read an account. Basically someone named fermatojam was stalking msscribe and everyone thought it was someone from GT. It wasn't. I don't know who it was. I'm really sorry this happened to her, it must be a horrible thing to have to experience, but it was not anyone the admins of GT would have ever heard of were it not for the million mentions on various LJ's.

Anyway, it's what happened after this that is the point of this post. Ms Scribe took him to court and got him banned from using a computer. His yahoo name and password were in the court documents which Clara got a hold of. Clara and Sarah then went around posing as him and started more trouble. They posted on our LJ pretending to be one of pottersginny's friends. They went looking through the LJ's of various posters at GT looking for things to flame them about. They started at least one other LJ melodyannsings with the intent to stir up more trouble and had her post in the GT LJ in order to link her to us. To their credit, they deleted this LJ soon after they were caught.

The worst part of it is that through it all they let people believe that all of these "nutty Christians", as they like to call them, were affiliated with GT when they had already concluded themselves that there was no connection. In fact the only connections that existed were ones that were fabricated by them. Other than the fact that these people visited GT and didn't post, there was nothing to connect them with us. We'd never even heard of them until after the event with Ms Scribe.

Then was the gt_hidden_room. It seemed at first to be an attempt to make it look like GT was behind that as well, but apparently, the person responsible was so proud of herself that she dropped that pretense and instead turned to the old standby of making fun of us. A comment on a freind's LJ by hgempress, who seems to be in charge there, traces back to Ms Scribe's IP, so it's either her or Clara.

Next came the "Killiganhashope we know who you are posts." It seems that someone traced his IP to one of our admins. I am 100% confident that this information was fabricated by someone to make it look like he was Rune. He's not. Rune lives in the UK and his IP could not possibly be the same as Killigan's since Killigan lives in the US. Not a chance.

Honestly, since all this mess started, both sides have reacted terribly. We have all let it effect our enjoyment of the fandom. Things were said that were better left unsaid. Tempers have been running high and everyone is on edge. Understandable, but not an excuse. Not for us or them.

Truth be told, we think we are owed an apology. A big one. And not just from Clara and Sarah. From all the people who publicly blamed us and bashed us for supporting such "radicals." I doubt that's coming though...I'm not holding my breath.

Now, because I know you all want it,

Fermatojam's IP on GT matches Sarah's IP in her comments on the GT LJ. (
Clara's IP (while she was apparently on Ms Scribe's computer) match that of somone posting as a friend of pottersginny ( Also hg_empress's IP traces the same place as Ms Scribe's. Not sure who made those doesn't matter.
I traced a few other IP's to MsScribe's IP which were made by Clara from her computer.

Up to this point, all the evicence was circumstantial and I had nothing solid, which I posted about in my LJ the other day. However, it was enough to scare Clara, who emailed me confessing. I am also linking to all of the screencaps I made.

The May 9th GT LJ

The May 23rd GT LJ

The first email I got from Clara

I only linked to the first email from Clara. I will paste the others here to omit any personal information about myself, her or Miss Scribe.

Clara Mortensen wrote:

I read your LJ. If you're planning on telling the world, please just give me notice so I can tell Dionne. She is my only source of income, and I love her daughter like my own. Her family is my only family.

I'll never bother you again.

Carissa wrote:

Just tell me one thing, why would she do this? Honestly, we know you all don't like us, but this is horrible. Unless you give me a good reason why you all are doing this, and promise me it will stop, and I mean everything, even the gt_hidden_room, then I am outing you all tonight.

I'm sorry, but Melodysings, aka, Sarah K James, aka fermatojam seems poised to start another controversey and I want all of this to stop! Right now!

However, even if I don't post on my LJ/and or GT doesn't make a public statement, we will have to let the admins at FictionAlley and any ohter websites you are affliated with know. This was when I still thought Ms Scribe was the culprit.



Clara Mortensen wrote:

It isn't her. It's me. But I don't control gt_hidden_room. Several people have access to hgempress, including me.

It all started when Dionne began getting threatening emails from someone we though was in your group. I'm also not the "original" fermatojam. To make a long story short, we freaked out. Got overzealous. Sarahkjames is real enough, but I have the password to her account. She knows everything.

I babysit Dionne's daughter three times a week..[edit]. She's all I have. I got so angry, I just lashed out at you all and I was wrong. I know that. Killiganhashope just made me so upset, and when littletort said it was David, well we genuinely thought you all were behind the person who originally stalked her, and even when we figured out you weren't we got angry because we felt you knew more information than you gave.

I'm asking you not to say anything because she trusts me. I love Elise so much, and Dionne needs me. [edit]

I agree, I've been so depressed about all of this. I don't even hate H/G. It's all so stupid and it went spiraling out of control. I'm not dangerous though. I swear it.

I'll email people and ask them to stop gt_hidden_room, but I don't own that so I have no real control.

I don't even understand myself. What I was saying was before you tell Dionne, please let me tell her first.


Carissa wrote:

You better tell her now then because when I get home from work, I am emailing the admins at FA. They need to know, especially since they all think it is us as well. Perhaps if you post a public entry saying you are wrong and that you know that GT is not behind all of this, instead of letting everyone think we are. I'm assuming that all the "Killiganhashppe, we know who you are" posts were intended to make people think it was Rune from GT. I assure you, it's not, and you better make sure no one one else thinks that.

This is obviosly a game for you. It's not a game for me.

[edit] I understand how you feel, but we don't know anything more about those "nutty Christians" as you all like to call them. In fact, we never would have heard of them if you all hadn't made such a fuss about it in your LJ's. Actually, I'm not really sure you are not really fermatojam. Because you'd need access to his email to activate the account on the boards and the emails are the same in both places. Unless you started the LJ account too. Honestly, we just want all of this over. It can end quietly or it can end in a big mess for you. Please be aware that I not only have IPs I also have screen caps of the places where I got the IP's from. Yes, I have been paranoid, I am glad of that now.

I'm sorry I am being such a bitch about this, but considering the circumastances, I really feel as if I have a right to be.



Clara Mortensen wrote:

Dionne and her husband filed charges against Louis [edit] after he found her address and sent her a package containing religious books and a very threatening letter, and after the LJ incident - the police report had his email and password on file from the people at yahoo. Dionne's husband is an attorney so he got a copy of these records. Louis was forbidden access to a computer. I swear I only used that account to try and find out who he knew at GT. I didn't feel like the police were doing enough. I never stalked any of your authors or did anything bad at GT. I did discover that he belonged to a group of people online. This was after the LJ mess. That wasn't me. I'm afraid to say the nutty christians are real. If you want, I can give you Pottersginny's writing name. I think it was a good idea banning her, btw.

I know the nutty christians aren't you guys. I figured that out fairly quickly. I'm only sorry I didn't speak up sooner, but I will email my friends right before I leave. Thank you for giving me some time. I don't think Dionne will hate me, but I know it's going to hurt her that I never told her what I was doing. Her best friend Infinitus just left the fandom so it will hurt even worse. If you can believe this, my original intentions were good. This scared her more than anyone knows because she always comes off so calm, but I know her in RL so I witnessed it. I just wanted to protect her.

About David, someone emailed us screencaps of his IP. But you know him and I don't so I'll believe you. It isn't important since even if he was, he was always very civil.

I'd like to add that I don't hate anyone for this. I am annoyed and upest that this happened at all, but mostly, I feel sorry for Clara because her actions will have long lasting consequences which make me disliking her pale in comparison.
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